Overweight Tickets And Fines Add Up Quickly
In Wisconsin, overweight tickets and fines can be thousands of dollars. Plus, your commercial driver’s license (CDL) may be at risk for suspension. Don’t just pay the ticket and put your job at risk. Talk to a lawyer first.
I’m attorney Roberta A. Heckes. I represent local and out-of-state truck drivers in Wisconsin in a range of traffic and CDL matters. You can rely on my experience as a lawyer and a former truck driver. I understand how costly an overweight violation ticket can be to your finances and your career. Please call me today at 888-703-2826 to discuss your options. I can meet you at a truck stop or restaurant if necessary.
Protecting Your License By Investigating The Charges
You can come to me with any type of overweight ticket, including:
- Gross weight and axle weight violations
- Overweight violations for the weight posted for a road or bridge
- Logbook violations
With more than 20 years of experience defending commercial drivers, I know how to handle all overweight violations. I will review the circumstances of your ticket and determine how to fight the charges.
Depending on the details of your case, there are ways I can challenge the ticket:
- Was the scale accurate and operated by certified personnel?
- How far did you have to drive to a weigh station?
- Did the load shift during travel?
These are the types of questions I will ask when investigating your case.
The federal and state government take overweight violations of commercial vehicles seriously. Their goal is to protect the roadways and other drivers from potential harm. My goal is to protect your CDL and your job.
Don’t Wait. Talk To Me Today.
To learn more and schedule an appointment, please call 888-703-2826 or contact me online.